HPV and Cervical Dysplasia
My girlfriend's pap smear came back abnormal and after a biopsy
was taken it as determined that she has HPV. Further testing
shows she may have cervical dysplasia and will possibly need
surgery. What exactly is cervical dysplasia, and how closely is this
related to anything cancerous? Also, is this a direct cause of
Cervical dysplasia literally means abnormal development of tissue
(dysplasia) covering the cervix (cervical). So what does
"abnormal" mean? Although abnormal cells can be a precursor to
cancer, they are not necessarily a diagnosis of cancer. Cervical
dysplasia describes the entire range of possibilities for abnormal
growth. Because cervical cancer progresses in stages, pap
smears have effectively decreased the death rate from cervical
cancer by 70% through the early detection of abnormal growth.
Some women with cervical dysplasia have the growths removed
with no problem and no recurrence, whereas others will develop
cervical cancer. Detecting and treating dysplasia early on is an
essential step towards preventing cancer. For this reason most
gynecologists will act quickly to remove any lesions in the cervix
and require subsequent Pap smears to check for any additional
growth in the future.
HPV(human papillomavirus) is strongly associated with cervical
dysplasia and with cervical cancer. Over 90% of people with
cervical cancer carry the HPV. Although we are not certain of how
cancerous growth is initiated and if HPV directly causes cervical
cancer, we do know that frequently women with cervical dysplasia
will also be infected with HPV. We also know that untreated HPV
can result in recurrent, persistent cervical dysplasia; where
flare-ups of HPV are matched by abnormal growth of cervical cells.
For this reason it is equally important that a woman with cervical
dysplasia get tested for HPV as it is for a woman with HPV to get
a regular Pap smear. Women who begin having sex at an early
age, who smoke and who are exposed to multiple sexual partners
are at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. A woman who
has low risk but is sexually involved with a man who has had
multiple partners increases her risk. Genetics play little role in the
development of cervical cancer.