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Nutition For Female Athletes
Women's nutritional requirements are unique. Women and girls who are athletes have even more bases to cover. Performance plateaus can be due to unmet nutritional needs. Unfortunately, those women who should be eating the best are often not. Read about the extra nutritional requirements you have and how to meet them for top performance.

Exercises for Seniors
Exercise is important for woman of all ages, and it isn't only for weight loss. In fact, in woman over 60, exercise can help promote healthy heart, lungs and muscles as well as increase bone density. Here are some activities that are sure to please our seniors (and keep them healthy too!).

Heavy Dieting and Eating Disorders
Heavvy dieting can be the first sign of an eating disorder.

Postpartum Weight Loss
Trying to get those extra pounds off from your pregnancy? Read on to learn about the benefits of exercise and how to fit it into your busy schedule.

The Female Athletic Triad
Female athletes are prone to several problems. Find out what those problems are and what to do about them.

Breast Cancer Risk
Check out the new interactive program that will estimate your inherited risk of breast cancer.

Copyright © 1999 GenneX Healthcare Technologies,Inc.

Ask Karen
Sarpolis, M.D.

Dr. Karen Sarpolis

Tips and Facts
Most of women's foot problems are due to high heels.
